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The date with highest number of visitors: July 24, 2018 at 1:56 pm PST
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Visitors total – 674+

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July 16, 2018 at 4:58 pm PST
Visitors total – 594+

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Story Topics

ADVICE – Advice, miscellaneous tips and information.

ARCHAEOLOGY – Historical treasures, ancient civilizations, etc.

BEACHCOMBING – Treasure hunting on dry sand beaches near lakes and oceans.

BOTTLES – Bottle, glass and pottery hunting, bottle identification.

CACHE – Treasures hidden on dry land, whether intentional or not.

CAMPING – Camping equipment reports and advice.

CIVIL WAR – Civil War relic hunting and relic identification.

CLUBS – Metal detecting clubs and organized events.

COINS – Information on coins and coin collecting.

COINSHOOTING – Searching for coins and jewelry with a metal detector.

COLLECTABLES – Beer cans, books, antiques, tokens, dolls, toys, etc.

COLONIAL – Early American and Revolutionary War coins and relics.

CONSTRUCTION – Plans for recovery tools, prospecting equipment, etc.

DEEP WATER – Treasure, relics, etc. recovered with SCUBA equipment.

DETECTOR ACC. – Coils, headphones and other detector accessories.

DETECTOR TEST – Product reports and field tests on metal detectors.

DETECTOR TIPS – Advice on buying and using metal detectors.

DOWSING – Psychic treasure hunting.

DOWSING ROD – Product reports on dowsing equipment.

EQUIPMENT – Product reports on tools, vehicles, accessories, etc.

FACTUAL DATA – Miscellaneous factual stories and information.

FINANCIAL – Buying and selling, investing, tax advice, etc.

FINDS – Identification of coins, collectables, relics, etc.

FOOD – Recipes, food storage tips, etc.

FORTS – Frontier forts and abandoned military camps.

GHOST TOWN – Abandoned towns, lumber mills, mining camps, etc.

HEALTH – Advice on exercise, poisonous plants and insects, etc.

HISTORY – Stories of historical interest or research value.

HOW TO – How to perform various tasks, such as cleaning finds, etc.

INDIAN RELIC – Native American relics, petro glyphs, burial mounds, etc.

LAPIDARY – Rocks, gems, minerals, fossils, meteorites, etc.

LEGAL – Legal advice, search agreements, treasure trove law, etc.

LETTERS – Reader correspondence (also see SITES, FINDS, Q&A, etc.)

LOST MINE – Lost mines and ledges of gold, silver, copper, etc.

MAPS – Advice on where to obtain maps and how to read them.

PHOTOGRAPHY – Selecting and using photographic equipment.

PROFILE – Stories about individuals, companies, etc.

PROSPECTING – Locating mineral deposits, using mining equipment, etc.

PUZZLES – Puzzles, ciphers and cryptographic treasure hunting.

Q&A – Includes treasure sites, identification of finds, advice, etc.

REGIONAL INFO – Treasure stories covering a specific area or region.

RELICS – Farm implements, old guns, western relics, old tools, etc.

RESEARCH – Research advice and information.

SHALLOW WATER – Treasure hunting in shallow water, waist deep or less.

SITES – Miscellaneous treasure sites (also see Q&A, LETTERS, etc.)

STATE INFO – State profiles and sites for specific states.

TRAVEL – Advice on vacation planning, lodging, transportation, etc.

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