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History of this Index to Treasure Stories of U.S.A. Magazines

Floyd Mann and I, who was employed by Floyd Mann originally developed this “Index to Treasure Stories of U.S.A. Magazines”, under a similar but different name.

However it turned out only I worked on the “Index to Treasure Stories of U.S.A. Magazines” in the state of Florida. In the state of Florida the courts decided that I’m the owner of this “Index to Treasure Stories of U.S.A. Magazines”.

Floyd Mann has a version of the “Index to Treasure Stories of U.S.A. Magazines” on his restored website called:

Later I, David E. Ros, Editor, Treasure Hunter, Webmaster Owner gained written and verbal permission to use this index from Floyd Mann, for the internet publication on my David E Ros’ website.

Getting written permissions to use my “Index to Treasure Stories of U.S.A. Magazines” eased tensions.

I, David E Ros, edited, refined and separated all the categories into individually accessible units in the new online “Index to Treasure Stories of U.S.A. Magazines”.

So, I regained a copy of the “Index to Treasure Stories of U.S.A. Magazines” for my use.

My improvements greatly eased the accessibility of this index to the end users by enabling the end users to select a U.S. State or Foreign Country, etc., individually and also a new “Table of Contents” has been added.

With all the new changes and more changes are planned, such as expanding the number of magazines indexed, etc.

David E. Ros, owner of: and has copyrighted the latest edition in 2010, 2011 and so on……2018

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Happy Reading!

David E Ros, Editor, Treasure Hunter and Webmaster

Published on: Mar 2, 2011 @ 00:11
Revised: 3-15-2011; 7-26-2018

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